Volume 10, Page 380 View pdf image (33K) |
380Court and Testamentary Business, 1654.
Liber B. In Wittness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand this 28th day of Aprill Anno Domini 1652 Signed and Delivered in the prsence of John Allen William Hawley the mark of Willm 0 Eddee
30 Maij. Know all men by these presents that I William Whittle of Maryland planter for and in Consideration of a Debt of two thousand weight of Sound and Good leafe To- bacco and Caske due unto Thomas Cornwallis of the Same Province Esq have Bargained Sold Assigned and sett over and by these presents doth bargaine Sell Assigne and Sett over unto the Said Thomas Cornwallyes his heires or Assignes All Such Tobacco as Shall be made or produced out of the Labour and Industry of the Said Whittle and his Servants this present Yeare. to be delivered unto the Said Thomas Cornwallis or his Assignes upon Demand when it is housed, and after to be Struck Casked and Packt into Good hogsheads by by the Said Whittle and his Servants Alwayes Provided that if the Said Crop when it is Soc Casked Shall amount unto more then the Said Sume of two thousand, whereof one hogshead is to be packed without ground leaves, the Overplus Shall be and remaine to the use and dispose of the Said Whittle his heirs and Assigns. In Wittness Whereof he hath hereunto Sett his hand this 12th of Aprill 1654 mark mark Willm x Whittle Teste Cloves c. Mace Richard Hotchkeys
30 Maij Wittnesseth these presents that I Henry ffox doe confesse & acknowledg that I have received Satisfaction of Thomas Cornwallis for all the Judgmts and Bills hereunder written viz. A Judgmt against William Johnson and Luke Gar- diner and the Estate of Capt Wifim Mitchell for three thou- sand Eight hundred and fifty Pounds of Tobacco and Caske. A Judgmt against ffrancis Poesey for Nine hundred pounds of Tobacco and Caske. A Judgmt against Thomas Batchellor, Tob: & Caske Six hundred and fifteen. A Bill of John Waug- hop for Tob: & Caske Six hundred and Eighty. A Bill of Richard ifoster and Accompt of Thomas Jackson four hundred. A Bill and Accompt of Jno Coleman's Two hundred and twenty. All which Judgmts Bills and Accts I doe by these pres ents assigne and Sett over unto the Said Thomas Cornwallis and his Assigns, Giving and by these presents Granting unto the Said Thomas Cornwallis or his Assignes full power, and Authority for me and in my Name to confesse and acknowl
Volume 10, Page 380 View pdf image (33K) |
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