Volume 10, Page 361 View pdf image (33K) |
Court and Testamentary Business, 1654.361
Decedents Estate upon Veiw of the worke doe Certifie the Liber B. Court upon their Oaths already taken touching the Appraismt of the Said Estate by the Next Court either upon the Inventory or otherwise what they Conceive the Said worke may be Justly p. worth, And thereupon the Court will then give the plantiffe Such Releife herein as Shall be fitt.
Waiter Waterling pite The pltes Suit being for 727 l of To- Eciwd Packer Admr of John bacco which he lent the decedent Sttinger's Estate deced deft Stringer not long before his death ap- pearing by the Oath of Thomas Bennett upon Record, and 30' of Tobacco which the pite paid to thomas Symonds for 20 l of Beefe upon the decedents Accompt, for which he hath as yet received no Satisfaction And the Administrator being now present & makeing noe objection to either of the Sd Claims It is Ordered that the pite be paid Seven hundred fifty and Seven pounds of Tobacco and Caske out of the decedents Estate if there be Assetts.
This Bill bindeth me William Whittle my heirs Executors Admrs or Assignes to pay or Cause to be paid unto Joseph Manning or Assignes the Just quantity of Eight hundred and fifty pounds of Good Sound large Tobacco and Caske upon all Demands at my Dwelling house, In Wittness whereof I have Sett my hand this 26th ffebruary 1652 Test Cuthbt Willm Whittle his Mark Tho Hayward his Mark
March 2do 1653 I William Whittle doe acknowledge Sixty Six pounds of Tobacco More due to John Danby over and above this Bill, and doe hereby Confcsse a Judgment for all and desire it to be Entred accordingly. The mark of Willm Whittle Coram Me William Bretton
Upon the Mocon of John Danby that Judgmt might be allowed and Entred for him against William Whittle for the Eight hundred and fifty pounds of Tobacco and Caske Men- tioned in the Bill to Manning and Sixty Six pounds More according to the Judgment Confessed before mr William Bret- ton, as by the Bill and Judgment last before Entred appeareth It is Ordered accordingly And the Said Whittle is now ad- judged to pay to John Danby nine hundred and sixteen pounds of Tobacco and Caske thereupon with Court Charges. Execuco inde 1 2 April 1 654 Versus pson &c. William Whittle ad Satisfaciend.
Volume 10, Page 361 View pdf image (33K) |
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