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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1649/50-1657
Volume 10, Page 340   View pdf image (33K)
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              340 Court and Testamentary Business, 1653/4




         Liber B.   sideration may be had herein and that he may have restitution

               of the things Spoiled and detayned & Satisfaction for the use

               of his horse and Damage occasioned thereby with Costs of Suit.

                               And Shall pray.


               mr John Hamond plte The Compltes Suit being for Satisfac-

               mr Cuthbt ffenwick deft tion for the use of his horse and the other

               Charge pnt p his Petition, To which the defendt Saith that he

               borrowed the horse of one Recklesse not knowing but that it

               was his, and that when he understood otherwise, he Sent the

               horse with the other things Complained for home to the plan-

               tifle by one William Wareman, It is thereupon by Consent of

               both parties ordered that the defendant making it appeare by

               proofe by the Next Court, that he delivered the Carpett and

               other things Complained for to Warman the pite is to take his

               remedy against him for the Same, but for want of Such proofe

               the defend' is to Make Satisfaction in that particular as the

               Court Shall then think fitt, And as touching the use of the

               horse the plt is Contented (the defendt paying) Court Charges)

               not to require any Satisfacon therein, which is Ordered



               Edward Brisley plte The hearing of this Cause is upon Motion

               mr Rich: Preston defty Made on the defendts behalf respited till the

               next Court

           Robt Taylor plte Henry       The hearing of both these Causes is

               Ketchmey & his wife defts     .

               in 2 Causes    respited till the Next Court


                       to the Honble William Stone Esq &c and Councill

                       of State.

                               The Humble Petition of John Harnond


                 ‘That your Petitioner being Newly come into this Province

               and Something Straitned for Provisions bargained with Phillip

               Land for a Cowe and Calfe as by Speciallty will appeare, and

               hath at appointmt of the Said Land come Sundry times and

               beene Sent to Sundry places for the Said Cattell, but hath ever

               beene abused and deluded by him, Soc that for want of them,

               he hath bought his provisions at Excessive rates to his Great


                 He therefore prays Order for the Said Cattell with damage

               for his Travells, want of them, and Delusions, as alsoe that he

               having Soc often fooled yor Petitionr in Seeking after them

               that he may be Compelled to deliver them at yor Petitionrs

               house and Satisfie him Costs of Suit Expended, And he Shall

               pray &c.


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1649/50-1657
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