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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1649/50-1657
Volume 10, Page 250   View pdf image (33K)
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            250 Court and Testamentary Business, 1649 50.






       Liber B.        360 l of Tob: & Caske the tenth of November then

               Bill cancelled

                       next with reasonable Satisfaction for non paymt and

               Damages, It is ordered that the defendant Shall pay to the

               plantiffe four hundred and fifty pounds of Tobacco and Caske

               in full Satisfaction of the Said Debt & Damages And the

               Sheriffe to be discharged as touching the defendants non

               appearance mentioned in the Said former order

                     Execut Sup pson ad Satisfaciend 110 Augusti 1653


                 Robert Smith demandeth of Humfry Atwicks the Adminis-

               trator of William Stephenson deceased two hundred pounds of

               Tob: & Caske as due to him out of the Estate of the Said



                 Upon Motion made this day by mr Henry Coursey on the

               behalf of Capt William Hawley and upon Relation to the Court

               by Capt Thomas Cornwallyes and mr Robert Clarke his Ldps

               Surveyor Generall of the Titles of mr Jerome Hawley deceased

               and upon perusall of the Deeds upon Record of mr James

               Hawley, whereupon the Said Capt Hawley Claims The Court

               conceiving that mr Jerome Hawley had right to Six thousand

               Acres and upwards which is not yet taken up ; It is thought fitt

               with the Governours approbation that for the present a War-

               rant be Granted to the Said Capt Hawley for Six thousand

           p. 429   Acres of Land onely where he now Liveth not formerly taken

               up, And that upon Survey thereof a Grant or Grant be passed

               to him or his Assignes for the Same towards Satisfaction of

               the Debt assigned to him the Said Capt Hawley by the Said

                James Hawley.


               Robert Erooke Esq plt    The Compft Suit being for 637 l Tob;

               Capt William Mitchell deft & Caske WCh he claimed to be due to


               him from the defendant upon account and that deft had prom-

               ised payment but now refused pnt p Petition, And the defen-

               dant denying the Accot and promise of payment, And the

               plantiff wanting his proofes desires respite, It is ordered that

               the hearing be respited till the next Court, And the plantiffe is

               then to produce his proofes


                     To the Honble the Governour & Councell of


                  The Petition of Robert Brooke Esq

               Humbly Sheweth.

                 That he having Supplyed Capt Wm Mitchells people with

               divers Goods for Necessary Clothing by the Entreaty and

               appointment of mr Henshame, mr Geary and Richard Hoskins

               (as by a particular annexed will appeare) the Said Capt William


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1649/50-1657
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