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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1649/50-1657
Volume 10, Page 244   View pdf image (33K)
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            244 Court and Testamentary Business, 1649 50.




        Liber B.   your Petitioner lost for want of a bore, And four of those

              Sowes rann away to John Medleys of Newtown for want of a

              Bore which cost your Petitioner eight hundred weight of To-

              bacco, and them he could not yet gett home nor knows how

              to gett home, all which yor Petitioner tenders to the Consid-

              eracon of this Honourable Court that he may be righted ac-

              cording to Law and Conscience, and Soe he Shall Ever pray.



              Robert Brooke Esq plt    The Compltes Suit being for Satis-

              mr Cuthbt ffenwick defendt faction for Divers hogs of his which the

              defendant (as he alledgeth) unlawfully killed and Caused to be

              lost above a twelve month Since of the Value of 3350' Tobacco

          P. 421   and Caske with other Great Damages occasioned thereby (pnt

              p Petition) And the deft in Answer denying that he killed any

              hogs of the Complts. And the Compit produceing Some proofs

              The Defendant thereupon desired time to produce his proofs

              It is thereupon ordered that the hearing be respited till the

              next Court And the defendant is then to produce his proofes




                     The Deposition of Anthony Kitchin aged 21ty yeares

                     or thereabouts Sworne and Examined this 22th

                     day of March 1652 Sayth.

                That in or about April last this deponent going with Robert

              Brooke Esq his Master to the house of mr Cuthbert ffenwick

              upon Putuxant River where this deponents Said Master

              desireing ffriendship Toung the Said Mr ffenwicks then over-

              seer (as this deponent taketh it) to Shew him the Eares of

              Some hogs then lately killed by the Said mr ffenwicks Servant

              as was Informed, the Said Toung thereupon Shewed to this

              Deponts Said Master the Eares of five hogs or Swyne Marked

              with this Deponts Masters Marke being Cropt on both Eares

              and a hole under the Crop on the right Eare, and two Slitts in

              the Crop on the left Eare And further Sayth not

                Sworne die & Anno Supa Diet Coram me Tho: Hatton



                  The Deposition of Thomas. Cole aged 34 years or there-

                  abouts Sworne and Examined in open Court this

                  23 day of March 1652 Sayeth.

                That Conieing upon Mr ffenwicks land in ffebruary last was

              a twelve month or thereabouts, in the Night there Came hogs

              to the place where nf ffenwick mr Eltonhead and Some Ser-

              vants and he this deponent (had taken up their quarters) which

              hogs being discovered nf ffenwick and the rest and he this

              Deponent Rose up and killed Six of them with Gunns and


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1649/50-1657
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