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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1649/50-1657
Volume 10, Page 240   View pdf image (33K)
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            240 Court and Testamentary Business, 1649 50.




      Liber B.       Ishmaell Wright Sworne & Examined the Sixteenth

                     of March 1652.

                Sayth. That being at worke with master Robert Brooke

              there Came in one of the Children and Said there was hogs in

              the Neck, whereupon Thomas Brooke and John Taylor tooke

              2 Gunnes mr Brooke being present, And after they being gone

              a Little while your Depont heard the report of four Gunnes

              and about an hour after mr Robert Brooke Came to yor Depont

              and desired him to goe with him into the house, And from

              thence yor Depont went with and the rest wher& they Said

              there was a hog killed, And when yor Depont Came there the

              Said Robert Brooke Shewed yor Depont a marked hog that

              was killed and desired yor Depont to Cutt off the Eares and

              take Notice of the Marke (Saying) that if the right owner

              Came he would Satisfie for that and another that was killed,

              which mark was thus to the best of yor Deponents knowl-

              edge vizt the right Eare Cropt with a half moone under the

              Crop, the left Eare had the upper part Cutt away in Manner

              of a Squ are And further Sayth not.

                                 Sworne before me Richd Preston


                   John Taylor aged 23 years or thereabouts Sworne and

                   Examined the 20th ffebruary 1652 Sayeth

                That being at work at mr Robert Brooke his house in or

              about November last past there came in one of mr Brooke his

              children and Said there was wild hogs in the Neck whereupon

              Thomas Brooke tooke his Gunn and went out and called yor

              Deponent, and Comeing back againe met with Some hogs,

              and the first hog that came was a marked hog which they let

              pass the rest were unmarked as farr as yor Deponent knoweth,

              whereupon the Said Thomas Brooke Shott amongst the Said

              Hogs and likewise this Deponent and lamed two Marked hogs

        p. 417     and killed two unmarked hogs, whereupon, mr Robert Brooke

              came, and Seeing the two hogs hurt Comanded that they Should

              be killed out right, and Said if the owner of them Came he

              would Satisfie for them, and withall called one Ishmaell Wright

              and this Deponent to take Notice of the Marks, wch Marks)

              was to the best of this Deponents knowledge thus vizt the

              right Eare Cropt with a half moon under the Said Crop And

              the left Eare Slitt and the upper part of the Slitt cutt away in

              Manner of a Square

                                 Sworne before me Richd Preston


                     Andrew Scot Sworne and Examined the 20th ffeb-

                     ruary 1652. Sayeth.

                That nf Robert Brooke did tell this deponent that he would

              give his Master Robert Taylor Satisfaction for the two Marked


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1649/50-1657
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