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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1649/50-1657
Volume 10, Page 229   View pdf image (33K)
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          Court and Testamentary Business, 1649 50.229






        Suit of the Said Connery being three Hundred pounds of To- Liber B.

        bacco and Caske. Wittness my hand this 21th Day of January


        Testor Tho: Hatton           ffriendship Toung


        William Cole plt. Henry The hearing of this Cause is respited p. 401

        Potter & his wife defcndts £ till the next Court in respect the Court


        is informed that the defts wife lyeth in Childbed:



        Fracis Brooks plt The Hearing of this Cause is respited till the

        John Dandy cleft next Court and both parties are then to attend



        Wm Smith plt The hearing is respited by consent till

        Capt Win Mitchell deft   the next Court, and both parties then to


        attend peremptorily.



          The next Court is appointed to be the Seventh day of March



             The Deposition of Mary Jones aged 20 Years or there-

             abouts Sworn and Examined Sayeth.

          That comeing unto Martin Kirks house three yeares Since

        or thereabouts, I heard Elizabeth Potter & Martin Kirke and

        his wife Say they had found a way to pay Eltonhead without

        weight or Scales, and presently they replyed again and Said

        hang them Papists Dogs they Shall have no right here, It is

        not fitt they Should for the Governour cannot abide them, but

        from the Teeth outwards, and Capt Halley being by and hear-

        ing them Speake Such words he Said fie; fie you may be

        ashamed to Judge Soe hardly upon Christians and Soe went

        out Much more I heard to this purpose which I cannot now

        remember and this before menconed or the Same in effect this

        Depont upon her oath averreth to be true to the best of her

        remembrance. And further Sayth not

             J urat the 24 January 1652 Coram me. Tho: Hatton


          These are to desire and Authorize mr Henry Coursey as

        Attorney for me Capt Robt Vaughan in case I doe not appeare

        my Self to appeare and Answer for me at the next Court to be

        held at St Maries at the Suit of Willm Whittle in an Action of

        the Case and to defend or psecute on my behalfe in that Suit

        at any Other Court to be held for this Province hereafter as p. 402

        there Shall be occasion; till 1 Give other order to the Contrary.


        Wittness my hand this 28th day of January 1652.

        Testor                          Robt Vaughan









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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1649/50-1657
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