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Court and Testamentary Business, 1649 50.139
21 ffebr An Administracon is this day granted to John Nunne Liber B. of the goods and Chattells and debts of Phillip Anther de- ceased upon his Oath taken for true Administracon and to exhibit an Inventory by the 25th of March next upon the appraisement of Jno Medley and Walter Pakes or any two Sufficient men upon Oath And to keep and make a True and Just account &c in the usual forme.
6t0 Marcij An Administracon is this day granted to Mr Peter Sharp Chirurgeon in right of Judith his wife the late widow and relict of Mr John Garie deceased of all the rights goods Chattells and debts of the Said Decedent upon his Oath for true Administracon and to exhibit a true Inventory by the first of June next, And to keep and make a true and Just account &c in the usual forme And is upon Certiff of the Commander and Comissioners of Annarundel County upon the file Sr upon request of the bearer Doctr Sharp who hath Mar- ried with the relict of Mr John Garie We have thought fit to certifie you thereof in regard of his present occasion this opportunity We could not Stay for a Court to have Order, You may please to grant Administracon to him upon this Certiff. Yor Loving ffriends: Edw: Lloyd: Tho. Mears, Tho. Marsh ffebry 27th 1651. To Tho Hatton Secretary of State
9o Marcij Henry ffox demandeth 2538 l Tob & Caske as due to him by Specialty out of the Estate of Joseph Cadle deced
11 Marcij William Boarman appointeth Mr John Medcalfe his Attorney to prosecute and defend in his behalfe in all Causes in Court wherein the Said Boreman is or Shall be con- cerned
17o Marcij Charles Maynard demandeth 890 l Tob & Cask as clue to him out of the Estate of Joseph Cadle deceased.
17 Marcij John Shertcliffe demandeth 477 l Tob & Cask as due to him out of the Estate of Joseph Cadle deceased together with a pail of Salt
19 Marcij—June the 29th 1650 This Bill bindeth me Joseph Caclle my heirs or assignes to pay or Cause to be paid unto 1 hornas Thomas his heirs or assignes the full and Just Sume p. 272 of 305 l of good Sound Merchantable Leaf Tobacco with Caske, the which Tob is to be paid at or upon the tenth of November next ensueing the date hereof as Wittness my hand the day and year above written Witness Charles Maynard.
The Mark of Joseph Cadle
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