560 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.
ticularly into this unhappy Affair. The Justices declared there
was abundant proof that the place where the Fact was com-
mitted is and was ever reputed to be within the County of
Sussex, and that the Gentlemen of the Maryland Council had
been misinformed as to their behaviour which has always been
peaceable and quiet, and that they were greatly surprized and
concerned to hear that at a Time when the Proprietaries of
Pennsylvania had acquainted the House of Assembly that a
final agreement was likely to take place between the Lord
Baltimore and them for the Settlement of all disputes relative
to the Borders, there shou'd be Indictments against John Sharp
and many others Inhabitants of the County of Sussex found
by the Grand Jury for the county of Worcester, for not deliv-
ering List's of their several Taxables to the Cunstables of that
County and that Process shou'd so rashly issue out of that
County Court for the Apprehending them, when it was well
known that they were within the Bounds of Sussex County
and had paid their Taxes uninterruptedly in that County from
the first Settlement of their Lands. Those Gentlemen further
inform me that Sundry Facts relating to themselves as set
forth in the depositions were absolutely untrue.
After giving them a strict Charge so to demean themselves
that no disturbance might arise amongst the Borderers, I sent
orders to have the most exact Enquiry made into the Affair
and particularly to ascertain the situation of the place where
Outten was unfortunately killed and to return all to me upon
By a Letter I have just received from the Chief Justice I
have reason to think my Orders have been carefully obeyed,
and I send you Copies of sundry Affidavits which evince that
the place &ca is in the County of Sussex.
I have now the Honour to acquaint you that as I conceive it
is not in my power to obstruct the course of the Law, nor in
any wise to interfere therewith I cannot consistent with my
Station or Duty comply with the request you have made to
deliver up Wiley, Sharp and others to receive their Tryal in
your province, nor to discharge such persons as now stand
Indicted for a Riott on or near the Borders of the Two
The Justices of the Supreame Court of the Government of
the Lower Counties having appointed the 25th Instant at Lewis
for the Tryal of John Wiley and others under Indictments.
I shall send the Attorney General to attend the Court, and if
it be found that the place where Outten was killed is out of
the Jurisdiction of that Court I shall then give the necessary
Orders to have Wiley and all others confined and delivered up
to any Officer you may appoint to receive them in order to be