[Sharpe to Calvert.]
7th Augst 1761 —
Captain Curling having at Length been pleased to send me
from Patapsco the long Box which was committed to his Care
containing Your Letter dated the 8th of April, the Mathema-
ticians answer to the queries that were submitted to their
Consideration, the Telescope, Sector & sundry Magazines &
Gazettes I dispatch this on board Capt Walters who is I
expect already under Sail that you may be advised of my
having received the abovementioned Articles at the same time
time that you get my Letter of the 3d Inst wherein I expressed
some uneasiness at not having had the pleasure to receive a
Line from you by the Fleet. If the Theodolite was also did
to Capt Curling I presume I shall get it when he has another
opportunity of sending any thing hither. If Mess" Hanbury
gave him any particular Directions about delivering the Box
he must have been very forgetful for when he brought me a
Letter from those Gentn a Day or two after he arrived I asked
him particularly whether he had not a Packett or something
else for me. I suppose Your packett to Colo Lloyd contains
protested Bills, it shall be forwarded to him by the first Oppor-
tunity I am &c —
[Sharpe to Calvert.]
17th of Augst 1761 transmitted by Capt Etherington —
Since I wrote to you the 3d Inst (by the Captains Walters
& Mr Gachin) to inform you that Capt Curling had at length