Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 399
to the Westward under the Command of Brigr Monkton
(who succeeds Genl Stanwix) in Conjunction with the first
Battalion of the Royal American Regl & Part of the Virga
Corps. The Rest of the Virginians are marched to cover the
South Western Part of that Colony from the Incursions of the
Cherokees who have lately done some Mischief there as well
as on the Borders of North Carolina, & in So Carolina they
have done infinite Mischief, but as the 1200 Highlanders who
were lately sent thither from N York are arrived there & are
marching towards the Frontiers it is hoped a Stop will be
shortly put to the Career of those Savages. According to an
Account that is inserted in the Phil3 Gazette of the Ist Inst.
which is said to be given by four French Deserters who lately
came to Albany, the Enemy had collected together to Montreal
15000 Men in order to attack Quebec in case a Fleet should
come this Spring from Old France as was expected to assist
them; The Men of War that have wintered at Hallifax were
to sail for the River St. Lawrence the 20th of last Month & it
is supposed that General Amherst hath before this time left
N York, 'tis said that he has sent orders to the Commanding
Officer at Louisburg to destroy all the Fortifications & Works
of that Place, & 'tis also reported that there has been a great
Mortality lately among the Troops that were left in Garrison
at Ticonderoga & Crown Point but I know not how far these
Accounts may be credited —
Letter Bk. IV
[Sharpe to Calvert.]
Annapolis the 4th May 1760. & transmitted by Capt.
The last Letters that I had the honour of addressing to His
Ldp & Yourself were dated the 27th of March & my principal
Design in writing them was to sollicit Leave to fill up the next
vacant Seat that might happen in the Council with Mr Ridout
who you may remember came with me from England & as I
am of Opinion that he is both worthy & capable to serve His
Ldp in any Station wherein He maybe pleased to employ him
I earnestly hope my Application in his favour will meet with
both His Ldp's & Your Approbation. At the same time I
informed His Ldp & you that in Consequence of another
Letter from Mr Secy Pitt I had been obliged to convene the
Assembly once more & to ask of them Supplies for His Maj-
esty's Service. From the Address which was presented to me
by the Lower House in Answer to my Speech at the opening
of the Session I concluded that they would again pursue the
same measures which they have so stedfastly adhered to for
these three Years past, & the Issue of the Session has shewn
p. 71