398 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.
Letter Bk. IV
which was sent to the Lower House, but was there rejected
because as it was said some of the Burgesses from Frederick
County were of opinion that a Division might be made more
agreeable to the Sentiments of the Parishioners than that pro-
posed by the Bill, & that therefore Nothing ought to be done
therein till the Parishioners could be again consulted. This
being the Case Mr Bacon still continues to officiate there as a
Reader & Mr Thornton continues to officiate as a Curate
under Mr Bacon in St Peter's Parish in Talbot County. The
Gentlemen of the Upper House likewise sent to the Lower
House the Naturalization Bill which Your Ldp was pleased to
approve of but they refused to pass it unless all Papists were
expressly excluded from every Advantage which that Bill was
intended to grant to Aliens & such as may have purchased
Lands from them in this Province so that Bill also fell to the
Ground. In the Letter which I addressed to Your Ldp the
2d of Feby I informed you that there were two small Parishes
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lately vacated in this County by the Death of the Revd Mr
Spencer & the Revd Mr Chalmers & I moreover advised Your
Ldp of my Intention to induct into one of them the Revd Mr
Philip Walker (in whose favour Your Ldp was some time ago
pleased to give an Instruction requiring me to induct him into
one of the first Livings that should become vacant) but the
Parish of St Mary's White Chappie in Dorchester County
being vacated by the Death of the Revd Mr Myers before Mr
Walker had removed into this County & Mr Walker being
extreemly desirous to be presented to that because his Estate
lies there & his Friends live in that County I took the Liberty
to gratify him as he is a well behaved Man & gave him that
Parish which Step I hope will meet with Your Ldp's Approba-
tion. The two Livings which were lately enjoyed by Mr
Spencer & Mr Chalmers are still vacant, one of them I would
bestow if Your Ldp pleases on the Revd Mr Berkley whom I
took the Liberty to mention in a former Lettr & as the other
Parish is a very small one & contiguous to this which is also
small I wish it was possible to bring about a Junction or
Union of them, tho I much question if a Majority of the
Inhabitants of Westminister will be ever prevailed on to agree
to that Scheme & unless they will not only agree to but peti-
tion for it I presume the Lower House will not assent to a
Bill for that purpose — The Assembly of Pensa having offered
& Governor Hamilton having passed another Act this Spring
for granting the Sum of £100,000 more for His Majesty's Ser.
vice on the same Plan as they granted Supplies last Year, the
Governor has in Consequence thereof appointed Officers &
impowered them to raise 1700 men for the Service of the
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ensuing Campaign, they are I understand to be all employed