Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 371
Brigr Stanwix commands at present on the Ohio but whether
he has taken up his quarters at Pittsburg for the whole Winter
or is determined to stay & finish the Fort which was begun
the latter End of last Summer under his" Direction I cannot
tell. The Indians in that Quarter have been very quiet &
tractable ever since the Reduction of Niagara but I see by the
publick Papers that Some of the Cherokees have lately com-
Letter Bk. IV
mitted several Murders on the Frontiers of So Carolina.
Governor Lyttleton having demanded the Offenders in
order that they may be brought to Justice & the Towns to
which they belonged having refused to deliver them up he is
marching back into their Country with a large Body of his
Militia; I hope this Expedition of the Governors will have
a good Effect but really the Accounts that are given in the
Gazettes do not incline one to entertain a very high opinion
of the Men under his Command or to think that their Appear-
ance will strike the Indians with Terror or Respect. I pre-
sume you have before this time seen a particular Journal of
the Operations of the Troops that were employed last year
up the River St Lawrence, Should you not, perhaps the
Journal printed in the Gazettes herewith transmitted will afford
you some Satisfaction. The Issue of that Expedition was
truly glorious far exceeding I believe most People's Expecta-
I heartily congratulate you thereupon & upon the many
other signal Successes with which God was pleased during the
Course of the last year to bless His Majesty's Arms.
p. 62
[Commissioners of Customs to Sharpe.]
Having by the Inclosed to Mr Randolph Surveyor General
of the Southern part of the Continent of America acquainted
him that We have pusuant to a Warrant of the Treasury
issued our Deputation to Daniel Wolstenholme Esqr to be
Collector of the Customs at North Potomack in Maryland in
the room of William Deacon deceased, We desire the favor of
You in case of Mr. Randolphs Absence to admit Mr Wolsten-
holme to his duty on his executing the Bond inclosed in the
Letter to the Surveyor General and taking the Oaths enjoined
by Law, and grant him a certificate thereof to be transmitted
to Us.
We are, Sir,
Your Excellency's most Obedient humble Servants
Custom house London W Sevier J: Evelyn
8th February 1760 R Cavendish B Hotham
His Excellency the Governor of Maryland.