Letter Bk. IV
Arms during the Course of the last Year, the Reduction of
Quebec hath it is thought by those who are supposed to know
the Enemy's Condition put Affairs in N America in such a
Situation that it is scarcely possible for the French to keep
Possession of Canada another Summer. Having acquainted
Mr Calvert with what I have done in pursuance of Your Ldp's
pleasure signified to me in his last Letters, & having Nothing
more worthy Notice to communicate to Your Ldp at this time
I shall only add that I remain.
[Sharpe to Calvert.]
Annapolis 2d Feby 1760 transmitted by Capt Hendrick.
I now do myself the honour to acknowledge my Receit of
the Letter you were pleased to address to me the 9th of Augst
last & also of Your Lettr dated the 6th of Septr with a Post-
script added the 20th of that Month. I have likewise had the
pleasure to receive His Ldp's Favour of the 30th of Augst for
which I shall take this opportunity to make my Acknowledg-
ments. I have wrote to the Surveyor of Frederick Coty
requiring him to make strict Enquiry & endeavour to discover
some Parcells or Tracts of Land there proper to be reserved
as Mannours agreeable to His Ldp's pleasure signified by
your Lettr but am much afraid he will not find such a Quantity
as 5000 Acres of good Land at this time vacant or unpatented
in one Spot unless in the extreem part of the Province,
however as I have already intimated Orders are sent to the