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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 11   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 11

Constituents that they are determined to pay no Regard to
any Recommendation that comes from a Superior. I hear
that the Troops which the Earl of Loudoun proposed to take
from N York amounting to upwards of 6000 were embarked
last Thursday but we have not yet received any Advice of the
Arrival of the Fleet which we have been expecting from
Europe. Colonel Stanwix is marched with 400 men of the
Royal American Regiment towards the Frontiers of Pensilva
& Lieutt Colo Bouquet is sailed with the other five Companies
of the first Battalion for So Carolina, 200 of the Pensilvanians
were to have gone with him but the Assembly tho they had
before agreed to the proposition have since Lord Loudoun
left Phila refused to issue pay for any of their men that should
be transported to another Colony. Governor Dinwiddie was
also to have sent 400 Provincials to Carolina immediately on
his Return from Philaa but I am told that the Men are not yet
embarked & the Reason that is given for such extraordinary
Delay is that tho the Assembly have voted the Sum of
£50,000 more for His Majesty's Service, yet that Enough is
not yet coined to pay off the Soldier's Arrears which are very
considerable. The Number of Men at this time in the Pay of
Maryland is 300 but as I have sent all the officers of the two
new Companies to recruit in different Parts of the Province I
hope that we shall soon encrease that Number, tho men dis-
posed to enter into the Service are really exceeding Scarce.
While the Assembly was sitting a Party of 60 Cherokee
Indians came to Fort Frederick & sent me a Letter thence to
advise me of their Arrival & of their Intention to Act in Con-
junction with our Forces agst the Common Enemy. I would
have sent them an answer immediately & a Present to encour-
age them to continue in such a Resolution but the Assembly
declined for some time to come into my opinion however
they did at last vote £100 for their use & as the Cherokees
went out before I could send it to them & returned with two
Indian Enemies that they had taken & the Scalps of four
others that they had killed near the Frontiers of this Province
I found myself impowered by a Clause in one of our Laws to
make such an Addition to the Assembly's Present as rendered
it acceptable. They are since gone to Winchester in Virginia
where Mr Atkins one of His Majesty's Agents for Indian
Affairs is about to hold a Treaty with them & some other
Southern Tribes that are in our Alliance. As soon as he has
done with them I expect they will return to range on the
Frontiers of Pensilva & this Province & I flatter myself that
they will contribute much to the Security of our back Inhabit-
ants. About 90 more of these Friends that came to a Fort on
the Frontiers of Virginia when the others came to Fort Fred-
Letter Bk. III

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 11   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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