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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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10 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.

Letter Bk. I.

engage most Men by the 8th of next Month, but I am afraid
that neither this nor any Step that can be taken will be
effectual, Many Men are not to be got at this time but by
an Impress, & that is a Method of raising Soldiers that the
Assembly will not again agree to. I have at length perfected
the Rent Roll that has kept me employed so long. You will
receive it by Capt Curling who will I suppose sail with Capt
Hamilton by whom I intend to send this Letter. You will
also receive by the same Conveyance the Map of Prince
Georges County & the platts of the Mannours that have been
returned by the Surveyors & Stewards of them respectively.
I embrace this opportunity to remit you Bills of Excha. for
£125 Stg. & am with the greatest Regard Sr

Letter Bk. III

[Sharpe to Wm. Sharpe.]

Ist June 1757
Dr Br
Governor Dinwiddie & the Council of Virginia having
thought proper to take off the Embargo in that Dominion
the 8th of last Month without receiving any Instructions from
Lord Loudoun to do so. I have at length upon the Repre-
sentations that have been since made by the Trading People
of this Province & with the Advice of the Council permitted
the Naval Officers to suffer some Vessels that were almost
loaded when the Embargo was laid to sail from this Province
likewise & I embrace the opportunity to acquaint you that
soon after my Return from Philaa where I was detained a
long time at a considerable Expence I met our Assembly &
with a great Deal of Difficulty prevailed on them to provide
for the Support of the Number of Men that Lord Loudoun
was pleased to require from this Province. It seems the
Gentn did not approve of their Governor's stipulating that
they should furnish any certain Quota, & therefore tho they
were obliged to acknowledge that it was a very moderate one
they endeavoured to clog the Bill with every Clause that they
thought would be disagreeable, however I have after some
cavilling obtained Leave to augment the Troops in the Pay
of this Province to 500, but they have absolutely refused to
comply with one of Lord Loudouns principal Requisitions
which was that the Men should be put under the Direction of
Colo Stanwix or the Officer that should be appointed to com-
mand such Forces as may be employed for His Majesty's
Service in these Parts. This was also recommended to us in
a particular manner by the Secretary of State, but I am sorry
to say that the Assembly of this Province as well as that of a
Neighbouring one seems to take pleasure in shewing their

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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