relacon to the good of Maryland which please assuredly to
believe from Sr Yr most assured
To the honble Coll William Digges humble servt.
Secretary of the Province of Nicho: Spencer
Mr John West
Sr Just now came Mr Holliday and severall other Gents
and it is certaine that there is nine thousand French and
Senecoes at Capt Bournes upon the Clifts in Anne Arundell
And desired you and all others Christian peoples assistance
Therefore pray faile not to send downe with that speed you
can to your greate men below to send help for Capt Bourne
and all his family cut off It is my advice if they to make what
way they cann to meete at Mr Greenfields on patuxen side
where you will find further advice which is all being in hast from
Your freind
March 25th 1689 John Addison
Capt Lawrence Washington
On the twentieth of this instant I was informed by one
Henry Norris that Majr Bell liveing at the head of Patuxen
River above thirty miles above him had discovered a fort of
foreigne Indians being in number as he could guesse ten
thousand and this Instant I was informed by William Newman
and I saw the said Newman have from under on Mr Hutch-
insons hand there was landed on the west of the mouth of
Patuxen River about Nine thousand Indians that the above
said persons did informe me and likewise that they had killd
one Capt Bourne and severall others This being from
Given by me the Subscriber this Yr servt John Courts
26th of March 1689 and in the 23d houre of the day.