shall succeed us, but as the Royal stamp of honour upon yr
Majesties dignities and undertakings.
Wee take the boldness to assure your Majestie that wee will
behave ourselves in all the circumstances of duty and loyalty as
sensible and worthy of soe great a blessing that all the water
betwixt us and your royal seat cannot deface that character
which (if so small and remote a handfull can add anything to
yr Majesties Service) shall be for ever legible in our Actions
and Affections, wee Esteeme this our Interest and Duty and
therefore pray that Almighty God by whom Kings reign and
who hath soe signally crowned yr Majesties with His favours
would add length of days and Tranquility, and when he shall
at length be pleased to translate yr most sacred selfe into a
better Kingdom yr Royall Infant the desire of these Nations
and the blessing of us and our posteritie may succeed in your
Majesties Royall Virtues and Dignities.
These are and shall be for ever our apprehentions and
wishes who cannot Esteeme any happiness more agreeable
than in being
Dread Sir
yr Majties most Loyal & obedient Subjects & Servts
Dated from Capt Gerrard Slyes Plantation wiccocomico,
October 22nd 88 & in the 4th year of his Majesties Reign.
P. R. O.
At a Council held at the City of St Maries
the 12th day of November. 1688.
Present Mr Joseph Coll: Darnall and Mr Hill.
This being the appoynted day by Proclamacon for the
meeting of the Assembly and the members and delegates of
the Lower house not appearing sufficient in number to make
a house.
Ordered that proclamacon issue for proroguing the said
Assembly untill to morrow being the thirteenth day of this
Instant November, which issued in these words
By the Depty Leiuts
A Proclamacon.
Maryland ss
Whereas the Generall Assembly of this Province hath beene
lately convened sumoned and called to sit at the City of Se
Maries as on this present day being the 12th day of November
Wee the said Deputy Leiuts with advice of his Lordships
Council have thought fit to prorogue and the said Assembly
is hereby prorogued accordingly untill the 13th day of this instant
month of November And the severall and respective Sheriffs
Liber B.
P. R. O.
p. 184