Was produced and read the following Deposition of Capt
Henry Smith vizt
The Deposition of Capt Henry Smith of
Somersett County aged 58 Years or thereabouts
The Deponent upon Oath saith that in the Month of Iune
last, Robt Goss Master of the Ship Marygold of Bellfast being
asked by this Depont what composition he had made with Mr
Randolph the Surveyor Genll for the Navigation Bond of one
Thousand Pounds Sterl by him and Mr Philip Shapleigh his
Security passed for the Brigantine whereof he was Master the
last Voyage he replied he had given the said Randolph Bond
for Fifty Pounds Sterl payable to him his Exs Administrators
or Assigns the Depot further asked him if their Majestys
Names were not Mentioned or Concerned in the said Bond
and he replied no there were not so much as named and
further thi3 Deponent saith not Hen Smith
Iurat 24 die Decembris 1692
coram me
L: Copley
Ordered that warrant be directed from this Board to Capt
Iohn Davis of Talbot County to apprehend and seize the said
Mr Randolph if he shall come into those Parts and to bring
him down to his Excellency at St Marys with all Convenient
speed &ca which warrant accordingly issued as follows (vizt)