at the City of St Marys on thursday the 7th day of April next
to answer the premises and what else shall be on their Majstys
Behalf be then & there objected against him in the mean time
I do also by Virtue of the Power & Authority aforesaid dis-
miss & Suspend the said Sir Thomas Lawrence from being a
member of their Majestys sd Councill and one of the Iustices
of the Provincial Court aforesaid or in any other Part of this
Province and likewise straightly charge & command him to
desist from further presuming to act or Officiate as publick
Notary and as such from making or signing any Instrum'
within this Province for any matter or thing whatsoever any
ways Relating thereunto as he hath already illegally done
whereof let him take due cognizance and thereof in no wise
fail as he will answer the contrary at his Perill Given under
my hand & Seal this 27th day of March Anno Dom 1693 In
the fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady
King William & Queen Mary &ca
To Sir Thomas Lawrence Baronet L: Copley
to be communicated & delivered to
him by John LLewellin Clerk of the
Councill in Presence of Robert Mason
Gent high Sheriff of St Marys County
Ordered to be read the Oath of a Counsellor which was
accordingly done and thereupon Sr Thomas is given to
understand that the Board hath considered his charge and
present circumstances that according to the Tenor of the
Oath now read the Board hold themselves in no wise obliged
to publish the charge against him that he is to be impeached
before the King and Councill and shall in due time have
Copy delivered him of his impeachment he is also let to
know that information had been given to his Excellency of a
Letter he the said Sr Thomas had lately received from Esqr
Randolph who also had approved himself an Open Enemy to
their Majestys and the present Governmt scurrilously railing