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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 491   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1692-1694. 491

for which reasons and for that the said Geo Luke and Wm
Burnet do manifestly see that there is no redress to be had
for them from the Governor and Councill the Governor being
a Party as also the Informer being next to him in Councill and
for the several Imperfections in the Information Exhibited
against the said Wm Burnet Ship and Goods and the severall
illegal means used to bring the said ship to Condemnation
The said Geo Luke in the behalf of himself and the said
Burnet doth solemnly protest as well against the Illegality of
the proceedings of the said Court of Oyer and Terminer as
against the said Governor and Informer for all Costs Losses
& Damages sustained by the said Luke Burnet and all others
Concerned by reason of the illegal Proceedings aforesaid In
witness whereof I the said Thomas Lawrence at the request of
the said Luke have have hereunto set my hand & Seal of my
Office the day and Year abovesaid
A true Copy of the Protest of Geo Luke of Virginia
Mercht against certain proceedings relating to the Ship
Margaret and the Condemnation thereof, Sworn before
and Signed the day and Year abovewritten
p me
Thos Lawrence

Liber K.

The Deposition of William Harpam of St Marys County
aged two and thirty Years or thereabouts as follows (vizt)
The Deponent upon Oath taken upon the holy Evangelist
saith that some time on or about the beginning of March last
past walking with the Governor and Mr Luke in St Marys Old
Field after some discourse past between his Excllcy & the said
Luke about the Ship that was seized he the Deponent heard
Mr Luke ask his Excellency when the Councill met, for that
he was resolved to appeal to his Excellency and Council in
that matter his Excllcy told him the Councill would meet the
Sixth day of April to which Mr Luke again said their time would
be Elapsed before then his Excllcy made answer their time was

already Elapsed but however if he had any thing to Offer to

him & the Councell, he might apply himself to them then, and
he would take no advantage of the time being elapsed
Wm Harpam
Iurat Sexto die Aprilis Anno Dom
1693 coram me
Nea Blakiston
et coram me
J lLewellin

at the Same time was also produced and ordered to be read
this following Letter (vizt)

p. 170

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 491   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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