The Petition granted and Ordered that special Warrant
issue forth of the Land Office to Resurvey the Land men-
tioned in the petition according to the true ancient intended
meetes and Bounds thereof in presence of the Sheriff and a
Iury of the Neighbourhood to be thereunto impanelled &
sworn with Power and Authority given to the Surveyor to
examine upon Oath such Evidences as may be Produced to
give light thereinto &c
To all Suitors by petition or otherwise Ordered that war-
rants of Resurvey upon reasons and motives sufficient be of
Course granted by the Clerk also old warrants for land for
which caution has been given and the warrants not executed
nor made use of be also of Course renewed by the Clark by
virtue of this order of the Board
Persuant to the order of Council the 9th Instant his Excel-
lency was pleased to communicate to the Governors of New
York and Virginia the Indians affairs in the following Letters
Maryland March 10th 1692
By this opportunity of Mr Trevits Return for New York I
must acknowledge the Receipt of your most courteous Letter
by him of the 16th November last and that I have no sooner
answer'd the same or do it not know in my own Character
please to attribute it to want of so safe a Conveyance and my
present lamentable Circumstances of a disconsolate Widower
by my Wifes leaving this World on Sonday last the 5th Instant
about two a Clock in the morning.