Produced and read to the Board a Letter from the Commis-
sioners of Somerset County refusing to admit of or Suffer
Mr Edward Greene and Mr Ioshua Barkstead to act or put in
Execution their respective Commissions lately granted them
by his Excellency for Surveyor of the County & for Ranger as
also a Petition preferred by the Grand Iury of that County to
the County Court to that Purpose and consented to by the
Ordered that Summons issue as well for the sd Commsrs as
for the Grand Iury aforesaid to appear at the next Provinciall
Court to answer their Contempt in the Premises
Was also produced and ordered to be read this following
Letter from the Comrs of Talbot County Court (vizt)
York Town the 19th November 1692
Honoured Sir
Yours of the 15th instant have received have viewed the
Contents wherein we perceive your good liking and approba-
tion you have Conceived of Mr Iohn Pope of Oxford but by
whose means we know not we should be glad in Complyance
with your Gentle request that we Could conceive the like
thoughts of him and so Repose in him that publick employ-