Lordships) hath the malignancy of his Disposition had pre-
dominancy over him as to corrupt one of their Majestys Coun-
cill (vizt) Coll Henry Iowles) to acquit & desert the Honours
of his Post, and accept under him the Place & Office of a
County Court Clerk to the great Dishonour of his former
Commission dissatisfaction of the rest of his Brethren and the
wonder of the whole Countrey but we must of necessity Con-
clude there is some other private and secret design & intregue
to be managed and carried on by them and their dissafected
Party to the Prejudice of the Government and their Majestys
Service for which reason (according to the powers & authoritys
given to the Governor in his Instructions) we thought fit to
dismiss the said Coll Henry Iowles from his place in Councill
and others his Milatary and civill Offices and commands in
the County where he lives Wee cannot in duty omit to rep-
resent also unto your Lordships the rude insolent and haughty
carriage and behaviour of Mr Edward Randolph Surveyor
Generall of their Majestys Customs here towards their Maj-
estys good Subjects the Inhabitants and other trading &
Coming into this Province insulting over them at a most pro-
digious Rate, commanding their psons at his pleasure and
arbitrarily pressing and taking away their Servants Horses
Boats Sloops and other necessarys by virtue and under Colour
of his Office without making any satisfaction or allowance for
the same slighting and contemning the Government and all
manner of Authority besides his own and consorting himself
with none but professed Papists and others their Majestys
open and known Enemies in opposition to the Government
being himself a Male Content & altogether dissatisfied at the
present constitution in Engld as by the Inclosed Copy of
Gilbert Clarks Deposition will more plainly appear to your
Lordships which had not his sudden and private Departure
p. 119