The Deposition of Gilbert Clark aged thirty eight Years or
The Deponent upon his Oath taken on the holy Evangelists
saith that in the Month of November last past he being at the
House of Mrs Ann Neale of Charles County Widow in com-
pany with one Edward Randolph Esqr their Majestys Sur-
veyor Generall and severall others known and professed
Roman Catholicks (vizt) Coll Edward Pye Mr Iames and Mr
Anthony Neal did hear and see the said Randolph drink fre-
quently a health to the Man that should have his Mare again
and that they the said Roman Gatholicks should not question
but before May day next they should hear and know, the Man
should have his Mare and afterwards they having some dis-
course concerning the present alteration of Government he
the said Randolph bid them not mind it for it would not be
lasting and further the Deponent saith not
Iurat 16 Die Decembris Gilbert Clark
Anno Dom 1692 coram me
L: Copley
Upon reading whereof and due consideration thereof had it
was moved & thereupon Resolved that the whole matter and
all things thereunto relating be represented to their Majestys
by way of Letters to the right Honble the Lords of the
Treasury the Lords Committees of trade and Plantations and
the Commissioners of their Majestys Customs, with Copys of
all Papers concerning the same to be inclosed