The Lre from his Maties Privy Council
After our hearty Comendacons It having pleased Almighty
God about Ten of the Clock this morning to bless his Matie and
his Royall Consort the Queen with the birth of ahopefull sonn
and his Maties kingdomes and dominions with a prince his
Matie had commanded us to signify the same to your Lopp and
to pray and require your Lordsp to cause notice thereof to be
forthwith given by proclamacon throughout his Maties plantacon
under your Government and thereby to appoynt such dayes
As well for a solemne thanksgiveing to Almighty God for this
inesteemable Blessing as for such other expressions of publick
Rejoyceings sutable to this greate occasion, as your Lop shall
judge fit, and soe not doubting of your Lordsps ready Com-
plyance herewith wee bid you very heartily farewell: From
the Council Chamber in Whitehall this Tenth day of June
Your Lordsps very loving freinds
Sunderland Ld
Coppy Powis
C. Baltemore Craven
Lord proprietor of Castlemaine
Maryland and to pro- N. Buttler
claime the birth of the Ed: Petre
Prince &c:
William Blathwayt.
Thereupon it was ordered by this board that a day be set
apart for the proclaiming & solemnizing the birth of the Prince
in and for the City and County of St Maries and another day
for the performing the same in each other perticuler County
throughout the whole province of Maryland.