Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1692-1694. 331
Our neighbouring Colonies in their Assistance against the
French and Cannada Indians
Also to signify and humbly represent in the said Letter the
Condition of One Rebeccah Saunders convicted and con-
demned for the Murder of a Bastard Child, that although in
Rigor of Law she had been convict and received Sentence of
Death for the same, yet no positive Evidence appearing
Liber K.
against her upon Tryal to prove Matter of fact, the tender
Care she took of the Child in wrapping it in clean Linen,
nothing of Violence offered appearing about it, with other
Circumstances induces this Board to think that it was shame
more than Guilt caused her to conceal the matter, and there-
fore this Board humbly recommend her to his Majestys Mercy
and pray his Pleasure therein may be signifyed to this Board
Ordered also that an Address be drawn up to their Majes-
ties & inclosed in the said Letter intimating the Suspension of
Mr James Frisby and the Reasons why his Excellency has not
thought convenient to admit of him at this Board, seting forth
also the insolent rude Behaviour and Deportment of Peregrine
and John Browne Masters of Ships, the former related to the
said Frisby by Marriage, and both it is humbly conceived set
to Work and countenanced by the said Frisby
At a Council held at St Marys July 11th
Anno Dni 1692
His Excellency the Governor
The honble
p. 20
Col Nehemiah Blakiston
Col Henry Iowles
Thomas Tench Esqr
Captn John Courts
Thomas Brooke Esqr
William Taylor of St Marys County to continue and remain
publick Post for the Conveyance of all Publick Letters Papers
&c in this Province for One whole Year commencing from the
time of his Excellencys Arrival at the usual Salary
Produced and read the Address to their Majesties and the
Letter to the Lords of the Committee of Trade and Planta-
tions appointed to be drawn up, approved of and signed by
his Excellency and the Council being as foll vizt
To their most sacred Majesties William & Mary by
the Grace of God King and Queen of England Scotland
France and Ireland Defenders of the Faith
The humble Address of Your Majesties honourable Council
in this Province of Maryland