To the sacred Majties of William & Mary by the grace
of God King and Queene of England Scotland France
& Ireland Defendrs of the faith &ca
The Humble Address of
Your Majties Councill, and the rest of your most Loyall
Subjects the Inhabitants and Freemen of your Majties
Province of Maryland mett by their Representatives in
a Generall Assembly
Gracious & Dread Soverns
The due sense and acknowledgemt of those great blessings
it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow on us in redeeming
us from the arbitary will and pleasure of a Tyrannical Popish
Governmt (under which Wee have soe long groaned) leads us
to render and pay unto yr Majties (as the onely Instruments
and Authors under God thereof) the just tribute of our most
humble and hearty thanks for the same More Especially for
that your Majties have graciously vouchsafed to incline your
sacred eares to the hearing and granting of our humble Peti-
tions and former addresses to your Majties by takeing and
receiving us into your immediate care and protection and to
that end sending amongst us a Protestant Governor of whose
Loyalty candour and integrity as your Majties have had good
Experience, soe that small time he hath been amongst us gives
us that assurances as most humbly and sincerely to bless and
praize Almighty God, and give your Majties our cordiall thankes
therefore rendring us thereby true Englishmen and good
subjects immediately to the Crown of England our Native
Countrey and you our Lawfull and Leige Soverns the rightfull
and undoubted Possessors thereof.
The Great God of heaven that of his great mercy hath
placed you on the throne of your Royall Ancestors and soe
miraculously preserved you therein (notwithstanding the
many fatigues and malice of your Enemies) still prosper con-
duct and guide your Majties throughout the whole course of
your lives and in your glorious Enterprises & undertakeings
succeed you is and Shall be the constant fervent and incessant
prayer of Your Majties most thankfull Dutifull
and Obedient Loyall Subject & Servants
Thomas Tench Char Hutchins
Iohn Addison David Browne
Tho: Brooke Iohn Courts
Nea Blakiston
Hen Jowles
Nicholas Greenbury
Geo Robotham.
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. F.
p. 39