26 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
yeares hath been well known to respect with the most strictest
The prmisses considered your Petr humbly prayes the
said Acre of Land may be laid out according to the
within Petition otherwise that the same may be remitted
to cofnon Law there to try his title to the same
And yr Petr as in duty bound shall pray &c:
p. 154
Whereupon their Honors takeing the Premises into their
serious Consideration and being desirious to adjust this matter
as well to the benefit and utility of the Inhabitants of Charles
County in respect of their Court House as likewise not to preju-
dice the said Hussey, in the presence of the said Robert Carvile
in behalf of the Comissrs aforesaid and the said Thomas Hussey
Ordr abt
Court House
in Charles
made the foll: order vizt Ordered that the Depty
Surveyor of Charles County survey and lay out the
Lott or Acre of Land on which the Court House in
the said County standeth including; in the said Acre
the said Court House the Prison, Pillory and Stocks and soe
far else as the said Acre will extend to lay it out to the great-
est convenience as to wood and water in noe wise prejudice-
ing the dwelling or other houses of the said Thomas Hussey
near the said Court House adjacent, and that the said Sur-
veyor return a fair Plot of such his survey therein mentioning
the Scituation of the said Hussey's Houses to this Board with
all convenient speed.
At a Councill held at St Maryes the
13th day of Aprill 1688.
The honbIe
Coll. Henry Darnall
Coll. Willm Digges
Maj: Nicho: Sewall
Coll. Edw: Pye
Letter from Coll:
Dongan Govr N:
York for suply
against the French.
Was produced and read a Letter from Coll:
Dongan Governor of New York which foll:
The French haveing in May last invaded the Five nations
of Indians that live in this Government, the King has gra-
ciously pleased to receive them for his subjects and has sent
orders to me to protect them as such, the Copy of which order
I herewith send you. The last Sumer I raised five hundred
foot, fifty horse and eight hundred Indians which is a vast
Charge and this Government is noe wise able to bear it.