P. R. O.
Col. Entry
Vol. 52,
p. 207
At the Committee of Trade and Plantations
At the Councill Chamber at Whitehall Saturday
the 3rd day of Ianuary 1690. (-1.)
Lord President Ld Vict Sidney
Earl of Nottingham Sir Henry Goodrick
Upon Reading the draught of a commission prepared by
Mr Attorney Generall for Lyonell Copley Esqre to be Governor
of Maryland Their Lordship's order the said draught to be
sent to the Lord Baltemore who is desired to return to their
Lordships his answer in writing on Wednesday next att five
in the Afternoon whether his Lordship approve the same or
what objections (if any) he may have thereunto.
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.
p. 45
The answer of Charles Lord Baltemore to
a Draught of a Comission sent his Lord-
ship with an Order dated the 3rd of Janry
from the Rt Honble the Lords of the Com-
mittee for Trade and Plantation.
That in Obedience to the said Order the Lord Baltemore
having fully perused the said Draught does find contained
therein severall Clauses very prejudiciall and utterly destruc-
tive of the Rights Powers and Privilidges granted to his
Lordsp by his Charter of Maryland some of which are as
folio weth.
1.—and alsoe with the approbation and by the speciall
nomination and appointment of the King and Queens most
Excellt Majties
2.—for and during their Majtyes pleasure (and not otherwise)
and in such manner and according to such Rules Powers
Limitations and Instructions as are herein after expressed or
as shall be in that behalf given or signified unto him from
time to time by their Majtyes
3.—untill and to the Intent their Majtyes pleasure may be
4.—untill the said Charles Baron of Baltemore shall with
and by the speciall allowance of the King and Queens most
Excellent Majtyes their Heirs and successors declare and publish
or cause to be declared and published within the said Province
his particular dissent or disagreement to the same.
By reason of the clauses above mentioned as alsoe severall
other things contained in the said Draught his Lordsp can no
wayes think it safe to set his hand to such a Comission: And
since the Proposalls his Ldsp made to the Rt Honble the Lord
President are not (as appeares by the Draught above men-