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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 204   View pdf image (33K)
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204 Records Illustrating the History of Maryland

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.

to consider the same and to Report his Opinion to the Com-
mittee whether the said Draught may be fitt to pass the great
seal accordingly.
William Blathwayt.

May it please your Lordshipps,
In Obedience to your Lordshipps Order of Reforme, I have
perused the Draught of the Commission therein mentioned
and am of opinion as followeth, I understand the seizure of
this Government to be for necessity as being the onely meanes
of preserving the Province.
The nature of the seizure is onely to take the Government
out of the hands that neglected and endangered it, into the
King's hands, But the laws and customes and the propertyes
of the Inhabitants are to be preserved as farr as may be.
I doe not know whether or how farr the particulars in this
Draught are agreeable to the Lawes and manner of Govern-
ment which have been settled there or may be prejuditiall to
the Interest of the Inhabitants.
I did draw a commission generall reciteing the confusion
that was there and the danger of loosing the Province to the
Enemyes and the necessity of takeing it into their Majesties'
hands and thereupon constituting a Governor there to Govern
according to the Laws of the Place (and as the administration
ought to have been by the former Governor) and to defend the
Province and take and apply the Public Revenue to that pur-
And I see noe cause to depart therefrom or to recommend
this present Draught hereunto annexed not knowing that the
particulars herein conteyned are agreeable to the setled
Orders of Government there or absolutely necessary for the
preservation of the Province.
All which is humbly submitted to your
Lordshipps great wisdom
Geo: Treby
Sept. 1. 1690.
Report upon the Draught of a
Commission for the Government of

P. R. O.

Col. Entry
Vol. 52,
p. 215

State of the accompts of the duties of 14d pr Tun for Ships
outward Bound and 2s p hhd. for Tobacco exported in the said
ships in one year ending the 22. of August 1690.

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
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