P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.
ffrom the said Iohn Coode and his Associates their oppression
and tiranny, soe to forwarne all persons ffrom making undue
and illegall payments of any part of the Revenue ariseing
here he the said Agent on the part and behalfe of the said
Lord Proprietor and touching the revenue ariseing here
wherein the said Agent is concerned holdeth himselfe obliged
to declare and protest as hereby he doth declare and protest
as well against the aforesaid Iohn Coode and his Associates
who hath rlenyerl to render an accompt or permitted him to
collect as aforesaid as against all other person and persons
whatsoever that have already or that shall make payment of
any of the Revenues ariseing in this province and payable to
his Lordshipp to the aforesaid Iohn Coode or his Associates
or to any person appointed by them or to any other person
whatsoever then to the said Agent or his deputyes dureing his
residence in this province and in his absence to Mr Michaell
Taney and Mr Richard Smith Iunr both of Calverts County
who in the said lames Heath's absence are constituted his
Lordship's Agents hereby holding ffor null, voyd and illegall
all payments tht is or shall be otherwise made of the Revenues
aforesaid then to him the said Agent or to his deputies or in
his absence to the said Michaell and Richard or their deputyes
or by their directions declaring the same to be att the perill of
the persons soe paying of repaying the same again as by law
they may be compelled, this done declared and protested in
the most solemn manner the present circumstances of affaires
will admitt dated in Maryland, Iune the 19th 1690.
Signed, Sealed and delivered
by the said Agent
I. H. (Loc: Sig:)
Maryland 19 Iune 1690.
Copy of Mr Heath's Protest against Mr Coode.
p. 10
Letter to Lord Baltemore
Whitehall 24th Iune 1690.
My Lord,
The Lords of the Committee for Trade and Plantation
having had some late letters from Maryland desire your Lord-
ship to attend the Privy Councill tomorrow being Wednesday
at five in the afternoon
I am
My Lord, etc.
To My Lord Baltemore to attend the Councill on the 25th—