and his Complices intending not only our former peace (con-
firmed us by your Majties most happy Accession to the Crown)
to disturb but also the Government violently and by force of
Armes have wrested out of the hands of the said Lord Bal-
temore and his Deputies under pretence of several grievances
by him and his complices asserted in their Declaration sett
forth for their appearance in Armes which wee are fully sen-
sible is altogether false scandalous and malitious and because
our Consciences would not admitt us to joyn with those per-
sons in so false a Charge, wee are daily threatened with
Imprisonment and to have our houses broke open and rifled
also, those protestant Gents who for their discretion, sober life
and good repute were made Justices of the Peace (not only in
this County but the Province in Genll) are displact whilst Illit-
erate Persons and persons of evil life & conversation are by
them made Justices in the Courts of Judicature and Com-
manders also of the Militia they being the only persons whom
wee are to apply ourselves for redress for the abuses daily
given us of which when wee complain wee are told by some
there is no Law but the sword and by others of their Officers
that they may do what they please for should a Governor
come in either from your Majtie or the Lord Baltemore they
were not such fools as to lay down their armes without a genll
pardon for all misdemeanours committed by them during the
time of this late Revolution by which wee can conjecture noe
other than as they have already begun upon our Persons soe
next they will upon our Estates to the ruine of our posterrities
if not timely prevented for these and innumerable other Griev-
ances that the good protestant Subjects of this County daily
undergoe and which they have patiently borne in obedience to
your Majesties peace as well against the said John Coode as
those his aiders and abettors wee do solemnly protest and
declare as persons highly guilty of sedition and the breach of
the Laws most humbly beseeching your sacred Majestie to
take our insupportable Grievances into your princely consid-
eration and to make such order for our relief as in the serenity
of your Majesties Wisdom shall seem most meet, from whom
only wee can expect redresse of our present calamities and as
in Duty bound we shall pray for your Majesties long life and
happy Reigne.
George Wells Mark Richardson
Edward Bedell Anto. Crew
John Wallston Miles Gibson
Jameo Salmon James Phillips
Mathew Goldsmith Wm Hollis
Thomas Lodge Will. Wilkeson
Richard R Adams Richard Hill