that are most necessary for my family. Else I cannot keepe
house I leave all my concernes to thy care. Myselfe wife and
family are in health
I am thy true friend
Richd Johns.
Pore Edward Talbott is dead.
27. Sept: 1689.
Mr John's Letter to Mr Groome.
Recd from my Lord Baltemore 31. Decr 89.
Mr Johns the person the Assembly directed a letter to, and
call him a person of good credit and repute.
P. R. O.
Mr Coode to the Governour of Maryland.
Maryland November the 16th 1689.
May it please your Honr
I am ordered by the Gentm and Officers now in Armes for
his Majties service in this Province to informe your Honr that
severall of his Majtes Professed Enemyes lately in Office here
and in Armes against his Majesties Protestant subjects are
fled into the Collony of Virginia under your Government to
witt Mr William Josephs, Mr Nicholas Sewall one Woodcocke
togeather with one Cannon and Hubbard popish Priests being
unwilling to abide the sentence and determination of his
Majlies Comissr or his Orders when sent into this Province, for
which their bonds were required and they have conveyed and
carried away with them severall Armes and Ammunition
belonging to the Publique Magazine here, I am likewise to
desire your Honr if the persons aforesaid shall be found in your
Government That they may be secured from flying further by
being comitted to safe custody in order to be returned againe
into this Province, or that if you shall think fitt to permitt us to
fetch them from thence you would be pleased to give us Inti-
mation thereof by the first opportunity with what privacy and
Expedition you shall think convenient at least we humbly
request your answer to this letter that we may know what
measures to take and how to regulate the advise we must send
to England by Gillain Comandr of his Majties Packett Boate
which is ready to sayle. I cannot forbeare to advice yor Honr
how much yourself and other Gentlemen of your Government
are abused here, by severall storys among the Papists pre-
tended to be had from the aforesaid Mr Josephs That he hath
lately received severall Letters from you in Diminution of the
Honour of his present Majestie and his proceedings in the
Reduceing of Ireland. That you invited and promised our
P. R. O.
B. I.
Vol. II,
B. E. 38