as hard seasoning of which I am now thank God allmost
I believe an Act of indemnity with a few exceptions of the
most notorious transgressors would prove a great meanes to
reduce the people to their obedience; tho' the heads of them
are so arrogant as to declare that in case the King should send
orders, not to their likeinge, they would not obey them, and a
deal of such stuff the Coll: will informe your Lordship at
large therefore I will at present conclude with my hearty
prayers that your Lordship may meet with noe great difficul-
ties in composeing these matters, as alsoe with a full assur-
ance that I allwayes shall strive in the station I am in to deserve
in some measure the name of
My Lord
Your Lordship's most humble &
most faithful servant
Charles Carrol.
25. September 1689.
From Mr Carroll to Lord Baltemore
Recd 29th Septr 1689.
Mr Richard John to Mr Samuel Groome
Maryland 27th Sepf 1689.
My friend,
Samll Groome I should have sent to ye per some former
opertunity to give thee some account of the great distaction
amongst the inhabitants of this (once peaceably governed
Province) but to that passe we are now brought that it is diffi-
cult to send or receive any leter for feare of its being opened.
Wee live in dayly hopes of the forward ships but more espe-
cially some order from the Crowne of England to setle and
compose our present distractions: here is a small Ketch or
Packet boat that have brought letters for this Government and
private letters alsoe but all is kept husht and some private
letters I have seen that have bin opened before they came to
the owners hands. If thee or Mr Tayler did send any by the
said Ketch they are kept up. I'll say but little more only tell
thee the long soard in the Rabies hands is our masters: Coll:
Darnell and alsoe Richd Smith's wife comes in this ship I referr
thee to them for a full information of matters here I'le add
that I am confident the least scrip of order or Command from
King William would be gladly received and readily acknowl-
edged with a generall submission from the Freeholders of this
Province God grant it may come quickly. I hope when the
ships come thou wilt send the goods I sent for or at least those