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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 115   View pdf image (33K)
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in the Years 1689-90. 115

papists and Indians to destroy the Protestants, is only raised
to carry on the designs of some prejudiced persons, whose
malice, rancor, and haughty humours will have noe peace with
any but their slaves, & vassells, and because we will not com-
ply with their humour, are confined their prisoners, and we are
well content soe to be as yett, and are well assured, had we
submitted to their pleasure, many more had been prisoners
now, but our duty to God, alleigance to the King of England
and fidelity to the Lord Baltemore, in reverance to the power
he hath from the crown of England, will not admitt us, to sub-
mit to any power, but what shall be lawfully descended from
the crowne of England, which will ever be gladly and faith-
fully reverenced by us; but considering how highly we have
been abused by this new taken up power, my wife Barbara
Smith is intended to England, now immediately to make her
personal petition, and complaint to His sacred Majesty the
King of England, how their Majesties' Protestant Subjects are
here abused & imprisoned contrary to all laws and justice
under pretence of displacing the popish Officers; Our present
request to you is that you will be pleased to write to my Lord
Bishop of London to acquaint him of the matter, and we
humbly pray that he will be aiding and assisting; that the said
Barbara Smith may have opportunity to seeke His Majestie's
Succour for us, that are now prisoners, although we were
alwaies His faithfull loyall Subjects.
Richard Smith, junior
signed thus. Michel Taney.

Votre Grandeur comprend suffisamment l'estat de ces deux
prisonniers, et je la prie de m'excuser si je prens la liberte de
1 informer de la premiere origine de leur emprisonnement, en
vous apprenant le plus succinctement pourtant qu'il me sera
possible toutes les particuliers de ce qui s'est passe depuis peu
dans cette Province. Le 26. de Juillett dernier nous vismes
paroitre, ce qu'on croit, et avec vray semblance avoir este
fomenter depuis plusieurs mois je veux dire, un dessein et
intention en certaine personnes de s'ellever contre le Gou-
vernement estably dans cette Province par my Lord Baltemore,
pour s'en emparer eux mesmes; leur premiere tentative (si

les conjectures sont veritables) ne reussit pas; et fut avortee

par la vigilance et les soins de Coll: Henry Darnall; e'estoit
un bruit qu'on fit courir par toute la Province tout d'un coup
le 24. de mars dernier que les Indiens du nord, avec ceux de
cette Province estoient actuellement sur pied, et en action avec
les Papistes pour destruire, et esgorger tous les Protestants
de cette Province; ce qui causa un terrible desordre, et con-
fusion dans tout le pais; fausses couches a quelques femmes

P. R. O.


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
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