108 Records Illustrating the History of Maryland
P. R. O.
assure you and them safe conduct protection and security for
you and their persons and Attendance.
4thly And that we will protect you and them in the free
and full enjoyment of yours & theirs just rights and privi-
ledges equall with the rest of their Majesties Subjects accord-
ing to the Laws of England and this Province.
5thly These are our absolute Resolutions, Concessions and
Demands to which we desire your imediate complyance being
utterly resolved against any personal treaty about the prom-
ises. Given under our hand this first day of Augt 1689.
John Coode
Henry Jowles
Kenelm Chizeldine
John Kurling
John Cambell.
Ninian Bell
Humphrey Warren.
Their Answer.
Wee doe accept of your Articles now sent and accordingly
are ready to surrender the Garrisons. Dated the Ist August
Deputy Governers
then present.
Wm Joseph,
Henry Darnell
Nicholas Sewell
Edward Pye
Clement Hill.
Vera Copia.
Articles of Surrender.
To the high and mighty the most illustrious
Prince Willm & Mary by the Grace of God
of England, Scotland, France and Ireland
King & Queen Defender of the Faith etc.
The humble Address of your Majtys
most loyal Protestant Subjects
Inhabitants of the Province of
Dread Sovers
As (according to our bounden duty, and the Example of the
rest of our fellow Subjects in other parts of your Dominion)
wee desire most humbly and heartily to congratulate the happy
success of your Majesties arms taken up in the defence and
restitution not only of the Protestant Religion in general, but
also in particular of the ancient Laws, liberties, and priviledges