Liber W. H.
Manufacture of this Province by & after the last day of August
wch shall be in the yeare of or Lord One thousand six hundred
Eighty & five, to be transported out of this Province shall be
first brought to some Towne Port or place of unlaiding mer-
chantdizes aforesd & from thence or from any other Port or
place herein menconed within this Province be shipped &
Laden on board to be transported out of this Province & from
noe other place or places, undr the paine & penallty of the
Losse and forfeiture of all such goods wares & Merchant-
dizes, or the full value thereof so shipped or transported, or
attempted to be shipped or transported out of this Province
from any other place or places as aforesd to be recovered by
accon of debt, bill plaint or Information to be recovered in any
Covrt of Record within this Province, One third part to the
Lord Propry One third part to the Justices of each Respective
Covnty Covrt for the time being, for the use & benifitt of such
towne next adjacent, & in the Covnty where the sd Offence
shall or may be Comitted & one third part to the Informer or
him or them tht shall seize or sue for the same, wherein noe
Essoine proteccon or wager of Law to be allowed.
And be it further Enacted tht the Owner or Owners of each
Respective store hovse within the townes ports & places
aforesd theire said store hovses not being full nor the Owner
nor Owners thereof not haveing Occasion thereof for his &
theire Owne pper Tobbacco or other goods, shall upon request
suffer the Owner thereof to put in & secure as if it weare his
Owne all such tobbacco as shall be theire brought in hhds or
soe much thereof as their said store hovse Can Conveniently
hold and Conteyne the Owner and bringer of the sd Tobbacco,
paying the Owner of the sd Store hovse the sume of ten
pounds of tobbacco for each hhd that shall be soe Lodged &
secured in the sd store hovses, wch sd tobbacco shall be secured
as aforesd by the store keeper for the sufne of tobbacco aforesd
for and duering and untill the end & terme of one whole yeare
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or a less time, then one yeare, at the discrecon of the Owner
from the time of Receiving the same Casualtie by fire & other
unavoidable accidents onely excepted, & in Case any store
keeper or other owner and possessor of any such store hovse,
haveing his store hovse empty or not sufficiently filled nor
haveing Occasion thereof for his owne pper tobb or other
goods shall willfully refuse to receive take in & secure as
aforesd such tobbacco so brought the sd pson so refuseing
shall be lyable to pay unto the Owner of such tobbacco all such
damage losse and detrimt as the Owner of such tobbacco shall
any waie sustein by reason of the refusall aforesd the same to
be recovered by bill plaint or Informacon wherein no Essoine
pteccon or wager of Law to be allowed.