604 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683.
L. H. Journal
p. 72
Lawes, Yett he Conceives it Changeth not the Nature or
quallity of any law ffrom being Temporary to be perpetuall,
but only Assertaynes them to bee lawes, in such manner and
forme, and to such Intents & purposes as in the bodyes of the
same lawes, were before Expressed.
To which his Lopp Replyes, tht the Act for Killing of wolues
is wthout doubt made perpetuall, because the Act wch Asser-
taynes the same to be a law is perpetuall and hath Assertayned
tht Act to be a law Accordingly.
Therefore his Lopp desires Mr Speaker and the members of
the Lower house to returne to their Owne house & Consider
thereof, And alsoe tht in the sayd Act of Reviver Are
Conteyned severall ssary to be revived wch his Lopp
sayes he is willing to Assent to
Killing of wolves be left out of the sd Bill:
Wherevpon Mr Speaker and the members returne, to their
Take their places: And After severall Argurnts &
debates Concerning the same, It was Put to the question
whether a new bill of reviver shall be drawne leaveing out the
Act for killing of Wolves.
Uoted in the Negative
The question was then Put whether, the same bill be againe
prsented to his Lopp for his Assent:
Resolved in the Affirmative.
Then this house, goe into the Upper house, & After severall
Arguments relateing to the sd Bill of Reviver, his Lop Dis-
assents to the sd Bill but to the Other bills, being Six in
number Entituled as foll
Bills past
this Sessions
1 A Bill for Naturalizeing Peter Maisee de Moy-
sne & Others
2 A bill Limmitting the Extent of Attatchmts & Executions,
3 A bill regulateing the tares & Abuses in Tobacco, hogs-
4 A bill for Naturalizeing Poulsone Johnsone & Others.
5 A bill for Advancemt of Trade.
6 A bill for payment & Assessing the Publique Charge
His mands the Great Seall to be Affixed, And wth
his Owne hand subsc words Vizt Wee Will these to
be Lawes:
C Baltemore
Vndr which was written
Published vnder the great seale of this province Novembr
the 6th 1683:
Henry Darnal] Keepr
Then his Lopp sayd tht Takeing Into his Consideraccon the
Temporary Lawes of This province in the bill of Reviver men-
tioned, many of wch are good and Necessary for the good