Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683. 597
for Jacob Young that he shall within Two months Transport
himselfe, Out of this province into some part of Europe and
never any more returne into this province or any other part of
America, without speciall lycence from his Lopp, And the Two
[houses] of Assembly, This house have Thought to move the
same to the Lower house for their Approbation before this
house give their result [therein]
Signd p Ordr Jno LLewellin Cl: Asst to the Assembly.
L. H. Journal
Act for 2s
p hh read
and past
Then was prsented to this house A bill Entitled An
Act for of the Imposition of 2 s p hh &c and
read the first second & Third [time by] speciall Order
of the house:
The question was then putt whether the sayd bill should
pass this house: Yea or Nay.
Voted In the Affirmative
The sd Bill being Signd was sent to the Upper house, by
Mr Burford Mr Hatton Mr Addams, Mr Richardsone Mr
Ennalls & Mr Green: who vpon their returne say they have
delivered the same
Then was Drawne the ffollowing message (vizt)
Lower house of Assembly November the 3d 1683.
Message about
the bills of E-
leccons and
Leavying of
The Vpper house haveing promised to Joyne
with the Lowr house, as by their Message of the
first Instant, In praying his Lop to Assent to a bill
Directing the manner of Electing Burgesses &c
And One Other Bill Toutching the Leavying of warr and
defraying the Publique Charge of the province This house doe
Now desire the vpper house, to send Downe their Assent, to
the sd Two Bills being the Only proper and Parlamentary way
(as this house Conceives) to pray his Lopps finall Assent to
the Same,
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cler &c.
Wch and Signd, was sent vpp: by Mr Hutchings &
Mr Hatton
Mr S nail Desires the Uppr houses bill Entitled an
Act of Gratitude &c wch is Delivered to him
Lower house of Assembly November the 3d 1683 :
the Act for
The members of this house Joyned in Committee,
for reviveing the Temporary lawes, Reporting to
this house that the members of the Upper house of
the same Committee will not Consent to the Re-
viveing the Act of killing wolves, This house therefore move
the vpper house to Assent to the revivall of the same, The sd
Act standing a Temporary law in the Booke of lawes :
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cler: &c.