1596 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683.
L. H. Journal
about the
the vpper house To Acquaint them that if
they will Add the Act, for of Certayne Lawes,
Made 1678: Into the Act for Assertayning the Lawes
of this province, Then this house will Assent to the
Act as desired by the Message sent by Coll Darnall.
He returnes and sayes that the Vpper house Answere, they
doe not knowe whether his Lopp will Assent to the Act pro-
hibitting the Imbezelling his Lops Ordinance as it is Now
Mr Carvile sent againe to acquaint the vppr house, that this
house beleive the Act for secureing his Lops Ordinance as it
is now drawne, is soe sufficient to that End, that they have noe
need to doubt his Lops Assent therevnto, Soe that if the vpper
house will not proceed wthout tht Act be left out Then this
house Cannot proceed further therein
He Returnes and sayes the vppr house Answere, that
though the sd Act hath past both houses, and his Lop: hath
been there since, yet the house beleives, his Lop Knowes
Nothing of it, but that the house will debate the Matter
further, and Send Answere therevnto
Coll Stevens from the vppr house desires that this house
would pass the bill for Ascertaying the lawes, as it is, and the
vpper house will prepare [some] thing by tht time his Lop
Comes, as shall satisfy the Intent and designe of this
Lower house of Assembly November the Third 1681.
Answere of
the Lower
house, to the
Act Ascer-
This house is very willing to Concurr and agree,
with the vppr house in passing an Act for Asser-
tayning all Lawes, made or that shall be made, in the
absence of his Lop, and not Yett dissassented to, if
the vpper house be willing to Assent to the same
p. 66
but to draw vp a law short of that end, and wittingly and wil-
lingly leave soe many lawes at an Vncertaynty as Necessaryly
will be by Leaveing out the Act of repeale made in Anno 1678 :
This house Conceives noe wayes becomes the prudence of
both houses, Especially at a time when prtention is made to
Settle and Assertayne the same
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cler &c.
which message bein read and sign'd is sent vp by Majr Long
& Mr Ennalls
Coll Stevens brings a message from the vppr house, wch
being read is as foll
by Jacob Young
Uppr house Novembr the 3d 1683 :
Mr Young haveing besought this house, to
Accept of Mr James Phillips of Baltemore County
and Mr John Cox of Caecill County, as security