Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683. 579
[Indian En]imy beyond the bounds of this province this house
Conceives is Repealed
They Returne and say the vppr house Affirme, tht the sayd
Act is not repealed [bejcause that by An Act made 1681: that
Act wch repeales the sd Act Impowring the Governour and
Councill, to make peace or warr etc: Stands repealed, besides
tht his Lopp Disassented to the Act for repealing the Act
Affter a serious Debate Concerning the same Ordered
that Mr Robert Carvile Mr Thomas Burford & Mr John
Rousby Draw vp a message in Answere to the last message in
writeing from the vppr house by Munday Morning:
The House Adjourne Till Munday Morning 8 a Clocke
L. H. Journal
Munday October the 29th 1683
The house Called all prsent as on Satterday
Then was read what was done on Satterday:
Then Came Mr Secry Darnall pr house and Ac-
quints this house, That his Lordsp: Desi nd him in the
vppr house presently:
by this house that Answere to Any proposal
be made to this ove any matter to his Lopp as
seem meet
house Adjourne into the vpper house
made a speeh Complayning of the delays of this
house in ll for Advancement of Trade; wch his Lordsp
saves hee is Confident will produce soe great a good to the
Inhabitants of this pvince and beleives the Lower house are of
the same Opinion. Therefore Ernestly Desires the Lower
house, to putt the sayd bill to A vote for its passage in the
Lower house, which is the Cheife Thing, that Can render the
Conclusion of this Sessions soe happy as by his Lopp and
both house is desired, And vpon which Termes Onely his
Lordsp is Content to putt off the day of sessions: (wch Other-
wise His Lordsp Intended should be this Day:) For the settleing
some mayne poynts in the Lawes, wch it is necessary should be
done this meeting:
His Lop further saves He will send a Coppy of his Speech
to the Lower house, As soone as it is Entered vpon the Jour-
nall of the vppr house If the Lower House desire it
p. 51
by mr Speaker
about the bill
for Advancemt
of Trade
Then this house returne to their Owne house,
And after Debate Concerning the bill for Ad-
vancement of Trade, Mr Speaker moved the house
whether the sayd bill should be putt to the ques-
tion for its passage in this house, Or that a message should bee
Drawne to signify the true Intent and meaning in this h