p. 50
Then Came Coll Low & Coll Stevens and prsent the fol-
lowing paper to this house wch is as foll (vizt)
Upper house 27th of October 1683
In Answere to the message sent in writing yesterday this
house doe say that the bill for Advancement of Trade] haveing
gone soe farr in this Assembly, This House desire [the Dis-
patch the]reof That this house may Concurr with the Lower
house therein
This house doe wonder after [that matter] was Deemed by
[both houses] soe necessary for the good of this province, And
haveing Spent so[e much time and] Tobacco, This and the last
sessions about the Same, And after all [this be Neglected]
because, because this House have Two bills from the Lower
[house lying under] their Consideration (That is to say) One
bill Entitled An [Act directing the manner of Electing Bur-
gesses, The Other Toutching the Leavying Warr &c To the
first this house, Doe say that the bill sent by them, Concerning
the Electing Burgesses etc: Though verry little Differing is
more Convenient for the Inhabitants of this province, as this
house thinkes They Cann demonstrate, for [the] second Bill
The same matter is provided by Lawes alreadie made which to
Enact a new seemes to Interferr with that Act, which Impowers
the Governour & Councill to Make warr or peace with any
Indian Enimy beyond the bounds of this province, as alsoe to
discharge the Inhabitants of this province from any Supply or
Meintenance of The same.
Therefore this house Cannot (without further Consideraccon)
Concurr with the Lower house in relation to Those Two Bills:
Signd p Ordr Thomas Grunwin Clerke
Mr Carvile and Capt Orsborne sent to the vpper house to desire
their honnors To lett this house knowe, what Law it is that is
mentioned in the last message with which the bill Desired will
Interferr, because the Act therein mentioned which Impowers
the Governour and Councill, to make peace or warr with any