Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683. 555
[Lower] house of Assembly October the 16th 1683:
This [being the day] Appoynted for the tryall of
Jacob Young this house Doe Acquaint the vppr house
L. H. Journal
tht the members of this house Appoynted to that End are
ready to mannage the same If the severall wittnesses be sum-
moned and readie to give their Evidence as was formerly
desired by this house
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cler &c.
Mr and Capt Peerce sent with the message
They returne and say they have delivered the same
bill about Horses
read the first time
Then Came Committee for Inspecting the
Lawes Into this house & prsent to the house a
bill Entiled An Act for the Lessening the Number and bettering
the breed of horses within this province
Which bill was read the first time
Coll Burgess from the vppr house brings the following
Uppr house of Assembly October the 16th 1683
Another message about
Youngs tryall
This house have Caused the Evidences
agt Jacob Young According to the desire
of the Lower house by message of the 8th Instant to be sum-
moned And if the members of the Lower house appoynted to
mannage the Impeachment agt him, are readie with their
Evidences, This house Doe Appoynt Two of the Clocke after-
noone of this day for the time, And for some reasones the
Lower Roome Commonly Called the Court Roome is desired
for the place
Signd p Ordr Tho: Grunwin Clerke &c.
Mr Hall sent to Call in the members for mannagement of
the Charge against Jacob young: he returnes Answere it will
bee an hour before They Can be ready.
Then was read the following peticon of Ann Young
An yongs peticon
To the Honorable the Lower House of Assembly
The humble peticcon of Ann Young
Humbly Sheweth
That your peticoner hath Attended ever since the begining
of this Assembly wt severall wittnesses at very great Expence
to the great Impoverishing of your peticoner and her Children,
And yor peticoner Did long since hope to have yor peticoners
Husband brought to his Tryall wch if it should bee much
deferred the Expence will vtterly ruin your poor Children:
Your peticoner Hum Husband may
be suddaynly brought to may have
Notice of the time App
p. 30