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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 479   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683. 479

Coll Digges Coll Burges Mr Secretary Sewall and Major
Trueman to the Lower house with these two following Mes-
sages Vizt

Upper house 20th October 1683
This house have read and Considered of the Act for
Advancement of Trade and his Lordship hath Nominated
these following Places for Towns Vizt Kent Shipping Creek
als Coxes Creek to fill up the Blank therefore left, Ann Arun-
dell County South River on Coll Burgesses Land to fill up
the Blank there left. Calvert County on John Bowlings Land
near Gaunts Land instead of Gaunts Land Greys Inn Creek
at new Yarmouth for a Town in Kent County, as to the Busi-
ness of Entering and Clearing of Ships in a Clause in the Bill
Mentioned This house do think that the same may be left to
his Lordship as formerly By reason the same Office is of very
great Concern not only to his Lordship but to the King also
and so not to be trusted but in very good Safe and Capable
Persons hands, and it may happen that such Persons may not
be found Seated Conveniently for that purpose in every
County. In all things else this house do well approve of the
said Bill
Signed pr Order Thomas Grunwin Cl of Assembly

Upper house 22 October 1683
This house having once more Debated the Business of Jacob
Young and the Crimes that are laid to his Charge in his
Impeachment and what of it is proved against him cannot
think it either Reasonable or Safe to Suffer him the said Jacob
to go at Large, and Since he hath been Impeached by the
Lower house, This house think it the best way of proceeding
that some Members of both houses be Appointed for a Com-
mittee to Draw up a Bill against him the said Jacob to secure
him from any further Mischief to this Government and so to
pass it into an Act as in the Case of Edward Husbands as by
that Law made against the said Edward Husbands may appear
in an Assembly held at St Maries the 20th Day of October
1678 And since this Assembly has so good a President for it—
This house desire the Concurrence of the Lower house herein

U. H. Journal

it being for the Safety and Security of the Government
Signed pr Order Tho: Grunwin Cl of Assembly

The aforesaid Messengers go with the said two Messages
and with the Act of Assembly against Husbands; They return
having Delivered the Same—
Mr Attorney Generall Mr Robert Carvile Mr William Hatton
and Mr Rousby from the Lower house with these two Bills

p. 514

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 479   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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