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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 478   View pdf image
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478 Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683.

U. H. Journal

of the Laws made at the four last Sessions of Assembly have
been Entered into the Book of Laws But that the same lye in
the Office in Single Sheets much torn stained and Impaired
This house desire the Upper house to Concurr with this house
in Voting that the Secretarys of this Province Cause the said
Laws to be Entered into the Book of Laws in a fair Sett hand
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl of the Lower house.

Mr Secretary Sewall Sent to the Lower house with this
Message in Answer to the last of theirs—

Upper house 20th October 1683.
This house do readily Concurr with the last Message by
Mr Hatton and Captain Hill; And the Secretaries have now
Ordered the Acts not Transcribed be Immediately fairly
Signed pr Order Tho: Grunwin Cl of Assembly

Coll Digges goes to the Lower house from this house with
this Ensuing Message Vizt

Upper house 20 October 1683—
1 his house having taken into their Serious Consideration
the Great Care and kindness of Our Sovereign Lord the
King in giving in Charge to the Right Reverend Father in
God the Bishop of London, To Supply this Place with able
and Devout Ministers whereby the People may know their

Duty To God and their Obedience to their Rulers do request
the Lower house of this Assembly To Join with this house in
giving Thanks to Mr Duell Pead for his Learned Sermon
preached before these two houses the 14th Instant and that
some Acceptable Present be given him for the same and this
house is willing to Concurr with them therein
Signed pr Order Thomas Grunwin Cl of Assembly

He returns and Says he has Delivered the Same to the
Lower house—
Mr Ennalls from the Lower house for the former Bill of the
Lower house for Electing and Summoning Burgesses &c: The
same Delivered unto him
The house Adjourned till Monday Morning 9 a Clock

Monday 22 October 1683 The house mett again
Coll: Coursey Coll Burges—

The honourable Coll: Lowe Mr Secretary Sewall

Coll: Digges Major Trueman
Coll Stephens

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 478   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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