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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 468   View pdf image
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468 Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683.

U. H. Journal

tion the Objections that Captain Osbourne a Member of this
house shall make to the places appointed for Town or Towns
in Pocomoke River—
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl of the Lower house

Ordered that Captain Osborne appear to Morrow Morning
to give his Objections agt the place or places Mentioned for
Towns in Somerset County—
Then came Mr Frisby and Captain Peirce Delegates for
Cecill County & Offered their reasons for Alteration of places
fur Towns in Cecil County which being heard by this house It
was thereupon Ordered that this Ensuing Message be sent to
the Lower house by the said Mr Frisby

Upper house 12th October 1683
This house for reasons Offered by Mr Frisby for Alteration
of places in Cecil County are willing the places be as followeth
at Captain Johns Creek in Elk River on William Prices Plan-
tation in Sassafras at William Frisbys Plantation in Worton
Signed pr Order Thomas Grunwin Cl of Assly

The house Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 9 a Clock—

Friday 13th October 1683 The house mett again &

The honourable
Coll Henry Coursey Coll William Burges
Coll Vincent Lowe Mr Secretary Sewall
Coll Henry Darnall Mr Secretary Darnall

Coll William Stevens Major Thomas Trueman

Coll William Digges Coll: George Talbot

Mr Secretary Sewall goes to the Lower house with this

Upper house 13th October 1683
This house is ready to hear the Burgesses of Somerset
County as to places appointed for Towns in Pocomoke River—
Signed pr Order Tho Grunwin Cl of Assembly—

Captain Osborn and Captain Smith Appeared in this house
to give reasons about place for Town in Pocomoke, the Matter
being Argued and reasons Offered, Coll Coursey told them
that their Speaker was pleased to hint yesterday, That the
Naming the places for Towns was a right resting in his Lord-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 468   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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