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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 467   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683. 467

The Bill against Embezelling his Lordships Ammunition
and Ordinance read the second and third time, and putt to
the Question whether the Same should pass as it is or with
Amendments, Voted with Amendments
Mr Attorney Generall and Mr Carvile with the Town Bill
and with this Message—

Lower house 12th October 1683
This house have sent the Bill for Advancement of Trade so
farr as it is finished thereby to shew the intent of this house in
Nominating such severall Commissioners for each County
Signed p. Order C Boteler Cl of the Lower house—

Mr Hatton and Captain Peirce from the Lower house with
a Bill for providing in case of Sudden Accidents in this Gov-
The Bill against Imbezelling his Lordships Ammunition and
Ordinance read as drawn by this house, And then putt to the
Question whether the same should pass as Drawn by this
house, or that which came from the Lower—Voted that the
Bill pass as Sent up by the Lower house and after passed and
Signed the same sent down to the Lower house by Major
The Bill providing against Sudden Accidents in the Gov-
ernment read the first Second and third time, and passed and
sent down to the Lower house pr Coll Stevens—
Mr Robert Carvile from the Lower house for the Statutes at
large the same given to him and he returns—
The house Adjourned till after Dinner
Then mett again
Coll Stevens goes down to the Lower house with the Bill
for Advancement of Trade with Order to tell the Lower house,
That this house have no Objection against the Commissioners
Named by the Lower house; he returns and says he had
Delivered his Message
Mr Carvile from the Lower house to know if this house is
ready for the Conference, And was Answered that this house
will give them Notice when they are ready.

U. H. Journal

Coll Darnall goes to the Lower house to give Notice that
this house is now ready—he returns
The Members of the Lower house with the Speaker come
into this house and then began the Conference which being
ended the Members of the Lower house withdrew and go
Captain Osborn from the Lower house with this Message Vizt
Lower house of Assembly October the 12th 1683
This house desire the Upper house to take into Considera-

p. 505

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 467   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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