444 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1682.
Liber W. H.
the Lord Propry one hundred Thousand pds of Tob, to Tho:
Clarke Two hundred & fforty pds of Tob, to Henry Exon Six
Thousand Nine hundred Twenty Two pds of Tob, to Garrett
Vansweringhen Twelve Thousand ffive hundred Ninety one
pounds of Tob, to ffrancis Catterson ffourteene hundred &
Thirty pds of Tob, to Hester Cordea Two Thousand ffour
hundred fforty Nine pds of Tob, to John Baker Eight Thou-
sand ffour hundred Eighty Seaven pds of Tob, to Major Wm
Boreman ffour hundred pds of Tob, to John Lewellin Seaven
Thousand pds of Tob, to Tho: Grunwin ffour Thousand pds
of Tob, to Tho: Bland ffour Thousand pds of Tob, to John
Blomfeild Three Thousand pds of Tob. to Charles Boteler
ffour Thousand pds of Tob, to John Saxon Eight hundred pds
of Tob, to Joseph Norwood Eight hundred pds of lob, to Wm
Wherritt ffour Thousand pds of Tob, to Dr James Eustace
Two Thousand ffour hundred & Sixteene pds of Tob, And to
the severall Shreiffes in this Province for theire Sallary ol Col-
lecting ffifty one Thousand Six hundred Ninety Seaven pds of
p. 203
Tob. in the whole sume of ffive hundred & Sixty Eight Thou-
sand Six hundred Sixty Nine pounds of Tobacco, And bee itt
further enacted by the Advice Consent & Authority aforesaid,
that the aforesaid sufnes of Tobacco, Amounting in the whole
to the sume of ffive hundred ffifty Eight Thousand Six hun-
dred Sixty Nine pds of Tob, bee Levied & Assessed by an
equall Assessmt vpon the persons & Estates of the Inhabitants
of this Province, & bee paid to the several psons to whom the
same is due, according to the accots disbursemts & neccessary
Charges of this Province, which have been examined stated &
allowed by the vpper & Lower houses of this prsent Genll
Assembly, any Law Statute vseage or Custome to the Contrary
thereof in any wise Notwithstanding.
Private acts made this Assembly
An Act for the Naturalizacon of Wm Blankenstein of St
Marys County.
An Act for the Naturalizacon of Rowld Nans of Baltemore
And therefore Wee Comand thee that all these Laws &
every article & thing in them Contained att the County Court
or in any other place of yor County where you shall thinke
fitt, you cause to bee published & proclaimed & firmely to bee
kept, Witnesse ourselfe, Given att St Marys the 17th day of
Novembr in the 7th yeare of our dominion &c. Annon, dom.
P: Calvert Canc.