Assembly Proceedings, October—November, 1682. 443
Twenty pounds of Tob, to Edward Gibbs Twenty pds of
Tob, to Geo: Mitchell Twenty pds of Tob, to Owen Marrah
Twenty pds of Tob, to Tho: Holbrooke Twenty pds of Tob, to
Ben: Cotten Twenty pds of Tob, to John Covinghton Twenty
pds of Tob, to Wm Steevens Twenty pds of Tobacco, to Richd
Steevens Twenty pds of Tob, To Capt John Winder Eighty
Six & Two Thirds of a pound of Tob, to And: Jones Cornett
one hundred & Twenty pds of Tob, to Edwd Day Livetent
Sixty Six & Two Thirds of a pound of Tob, to Jeremiah
Hooke Corporall fforty six & Two Thirds of a pound of Tob,
to Richd Kembell Corporall fforty six & Two Thirds of a
pound of Tob, To Wm Gyles Trumpeter Seaventy pds of Tob,
to Christopher Nutter fforty pds of Tob, to John Evans fforty
pds of Tob, to James Dasheile Junr fforty pds of Tob, to Samll
Jackson fforty pds of Tob, to John Paramore fforty pds of Tob,
to John Conaway fforty pds of Tob, to Wm Elgate Senr fforty
pds of Tob, to Willm Cave fforty pds of Tob, to Daniell Haste
Liber W. H.
fforty pounds of Tob, To Tho: Humphreys fforty pds of Tob,
to Wm Brereton Twenty pounds of Tob, to Isaac Noble fforty
pds of Tob, to Wm Robinson fforty pds of Tob, to John Hol-
land fforty pds of Tob, to Tho: Winder Sixty pds of Tob, to
John Williams fforty pds of Tob, to Capt John Winder Twenty
pds of Tob, to Tho: Humphreys Twenty pds of Tob, to Wm
Cave Twenty pds of Tob, to Jer: Hooke Twenty pds of Tob,
to John Moratt fforty pds of Tob, to To Tho: Gylley fforty pds
of Tob, to Richd Ackworth Sixty pds of Tob, to John Smith
Sixty pds of Tob, to Wm Gyles fforty pds of Tob, to Samll Jack-
son fforty pds of Tob, to Wm Longstone Twenty pds of Tob,
to Edwd Bennett Twenty pds of Tob, to John Parramore
Twenty pds of Tob, to John Moore Twenty pds of Tob, to
John Baker Eighteene Thousand Eight hundred Sixty Eight
pds of Tob, to Garrett Vanswearinghen Thirty ffour Thousand
ffifty Three pds of Tob, to Hester Cordea Six Thousand Six
hundred Ninety Two pds of Tob, to ffran: Catterson ffour
Thousand ffour hundred & Twenty pds of Tob, to Joseph
Norwood one hundred & Twenty pds of Tob, to Abraham
Child one hundred & Twenty pds of Tob, to Henry Exon
Seaventeene Thousand Three hundred Eighty Eight & a halfe
pds of Tob, to Coll Philimon Lloyd Seaven hundred Eighty
ffour pds of Tob, to Mr Henry Adams Two Thousand Six hun-
dred pds of Tob, To Mr Tho: Burford Two Thousand six hun-
dred pds of Tob, to John Baker Three hundred Sixty ffive
pds of Tob, to Hester Cordea Eleven hundred & Sixty pds of
Tob, to Danll Clocker Seaven hundred & ffifty pds of Tob, to
Hen: Exon Two hundred Twenty ffour pds of Tob, to Coll
Philemon Lloyd fforty seaven thousand ffour hundred Thirty
Six pds of Tob, to Coll Henry Coursey fforty Seaven Thou-
sand ffour hundred Thirty six pds of Tob, to the Right Honble
p. 202